National Bike to Work Day Comes to Town in May 2022

If you’ve been working from home over the last 12 months due to the pandemic, you might be looking to make improvements and develop a healthier lifestyle. As the resumption of in-person work gathers pace, you have an opportunity to take those first steps towards living a healthier life. 

Biking to work is one of the simplest ways to work out, enjoy the scenery and travel to and from your workplace. 

What Day Is the Bike to Work Day? 

The National Bike to Work Day will be on Friday, May 20, 2022. On this day, you and your community will have a chance to work out while heading back to work on a bike. The National Bike to Work day started in 1956 as an idea from the League of American Bicyclists. Bike to work was meant to encourage people to choose this option as an alternative to driving to work. 

Historically, the emphasis on biking to work has been to reduce the impact of emissions in the environment. With people working from home due to the pandemic, cycling has also become a great way to exercise for a healthier lifestyle. Even though May has a specific day and week for cycling to work, you can start biking now to burn those extra calories.

How Far Is Too Far to Bike to Work?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. A reasonable distance many can bike to work is roughly 5–10 miles, which should take anywhere from 30-60 minutes. 

Generally, this will mostly depend on:

  • The geography of the commute route 

  • Your fitness level

  • Type or model of bicycle

  • The time you have to commute to work

You might be fit enough to cover the entire distance of your commute, or you may have to build it slowly. The critical aspect to keep in mind is how the miles add up. If you cycle about 30 miles, this will likely feel easy. But doing this for five consecutive days could be challenging for people getting back into an active lifestyle. 

E-bikes Can Go a Lot Further and a Lot Faster

The technology in e-bikes gives riders the extra push required to go at faster speeds and cover longer distances with less effort. E-bikes have a pedal assist feature that gives pedaling a boost. This reduces the impact on thighs and knees making it possible to arrive at work without needing to shower. Even when riding on hills and challenging inclines, this boosting technology will help you cover greater distances. 

The motor in e-bikes such as Bafang or the Bosch allows you to reach higher speeds than an average cyclist using a racing or mountain bike. In the United States, the law allows you to have a maximum power of 750w and assisted speed of 20mph. Max pedal assist speed under federal law is 28mph for Class 3 electric bikes, though riders should check with local authorities for their state.

Find Alternative Routes

While getting engaged in your community, take time to research the best routes and cities for safer cycling. Other bikers will be aware. Some cities that have invested in biking infrastructure include Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, Philadelphia, Austin, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Portland, and Detroit. Biking communities can make a difference in their municipalities by championing the building of more commuter paths for cyclists. Several of the many cycling apps and websites that offer route and planning/navigation information for bikers are:

  • MapMyRide

  • BikeMap

  •  Strava

  • Wahoo

May Is A Bike Safe Month 

May is a bike safety awareness month, created to remind the public of the importance of safety on the roadways. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) urges motorists and bicyclists to share roadways by respecting each other’s rights and obeying traffic laws. NHTSA also advises motorists to:

  • Be vigilant of cyclists while reversing in parking lots or opening doors

  • Not to drive when distracted or under the influence

  • Respect bike lanes 

  • Check for cyclists at intersections and before making a turn

Will You Participate on Bike to Work Day?

If you are looking for ways to promote a healthy lifestyle, bike to work is the way to go. You don’t have to cycle for long hours to meet your goals, even two hours a day can still help you burn your calories and boost your fitness level. Biking to work is also a sustainable choice for the rider and the environment.

--------report by ride1up

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