The three ways an fat tire electric bike helps reduce the aging process

Strength and weight loss

Cardio Vascular and Aerobic Fitness

Vestibular (Balance)


1) Fat tire electric bike riding reverses the aging process by increasing Strength and contributing to weight loss.

Regular riding of a fat tire electric bike will increase your leg strength and stimulate weight loss. Because people generally ride longer on a fat tire electric bike with the ability to control their experience, they gain more strength and lose weight, which then gives them more energy in their life.


All kinds of people are buying fat tire electric bikes because they are FUN, which means people are out there riding a lot – with the outcome of achieving a higher level of strength.


But FUN doesn’t even really cover the magnitude of fat tire electric bike riding.  For instance, you don’t sit on an fat tire electric bike and do nothing. People often miss the point fat tire electric bikes aren’t about making what you do easier, it’s about exhilaration bordering on magic and, getting more ground covered for your time and calories.


What’s amazing is that you can actually get the same or stronger workout that you get on a traditional bike, but with more exhilaration and fun. You just go faster and farther.


2) Fat Tire Electric Bike Riding strengthens Cardio Health and Aerobic Capacity for reversing the aging process.

With an Electric Bike you will easily improve your aerobic capacity like no other form of exercise can do. The best way to improve the aerobic capacity is with long slow distance exercise in your aerobic heart range (the range where you can exercise and talk comfortably)


When exercising in your aerobic range you will burn fat, increase mitochondria in the muscles and increase the size of the blood vessels – the basics for improved overall health.


The problem for most people who are not fit is that riding a regular bicycle will quickly put them out of the aerobic range into the anaerobic range, this is not good. In the anaerobic range they are out or breathe, burning sugars instead of fat for fuel, and are feeling the burn in their muscles from lactic acid buildup. They have long recovery periods and stop exercising.


All this is eliminated with a long range electric bike. The rider is able to control their heart rate in the aerobic region, by adding electric bike motor power. They ride longer (burning more fat) have more fun and have short recovery times so they ultimately ride much more than with a conventional bike. Their health rapidly improves.

3) Fat tire electric bike riding reverses the aging process by strengthening the Vestibular (Balance).

The role of the Vestibular in our health is essential. The vestibular is responsible for balance and spatial orientation and it utilizes our core muscles, especially the core muscles of our back.  It makes us detect and feel our ‘speed’ while we are moving, so that our muscles can respond and make minute adjustments for spatial positioning to stay upright.  It also has a direct effect on essential life systems, such as respiration, the GI system, and heart rate.


The Vestibular functions mostly in our inner ear as a sense organ that is shaped like a spiral, and this is covered with tiny hairs surrounded by fluid. The fluid bends the hairs as we move our head side-to-side, up and down, or with speed. These bent hairs note our ‘position’ spatially, and then our neuro-biology reads this info to employ our core muscle tone and coordination to adjust our balance.


It’s essential to keep the vestibular primed all through life for a keen, strong responsiveness to any movement.


The main way to prime the vestibular is‘moving fast’–just like all the spinning and rocking and running we did as a child which fully developed our vestibular early on.

One of the most FUN ways to keep the vestibular strong as an adult is fat tire electric bike riding.

Fat tire electric bike riding is extremely beneficial for the vestibular. You can ride on varied terrain easily, or ride fast on straight lines, and feel comfortable with the stable sport handling of the bike with an ability to stop on a dime with the disc brakes. This will keep your core muscle tone strong, which in turn, functions as support for good coordination and balance.


When choosing a fat tire electric bike it’s important to choose one that has stable handling for the speed. E bike is one of the most stable handling fat tire electric bikes available. Riders say they feel like a kid again.


Riding a long range Electric Bicycle leads to a higher level of endurance, stamina, strength, and allows you to get in shape, reverse the aging process, and do it faster. Fast Electric bikes are a new dimension in cycling and the best part is that it gives you the ability to go out and ride any time you want to.


By using your own strength supported by new technology even long routes and steep mountain climbs are not beyond reach as you enjoy the thrill of adventure and robust riding while getting stronger and fitter, and reversing the aging process.

-Gravity Ebikes


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